A bit of election fever over here -- have been so anxious to talk about how things are playing out for each party, who is likely to win, etc. that when I had both sides of the family over for some cake tonight, I froze. It was clear from the onset that none of us shared the same views and everyone could feel the tension, so thankfully the conversation went no where. I didn't want to challenge my Dad -- I didn't want to ask my BIL why he thought Ignatieff was untrustworthy -- I just wanted everyone to be happy. Perhaps the timing was wrong, it was my son's b-day after all. But I think it goes deeper than that. Politics are 'incendiary'. Talking about it does not really inform and educate, it isolates and can even insult. I'm passionate about my views and I feel that those with opposing views are uninformed and hell I even think a lot of them to be selfish and naive. And this makes me feel awful because I should realize that a person's political aflictions say nothing about the people they truly are. Judging is wrong D. I need to be accepting of other viewpoints and try to learn from them. And yet, here I am only talking politics with those who share my views. Why? So we can agree and pat each other on the back? K, I feel like I'm turning this into another identity, that is strengthened by vilifying the other side. 'Us vs them' is not what I need more of. Time to be more objective.
I find it REALLY hard to be objective on this one. I absolutely find it naive when people aren't liberal. I don't even think it's selfish, because I don't think they realize what they're actually voting for. Just look to the US if you want to see where we'll be in 5 yrs if there is a Conservative majority. It ain't pretty. Housing collapse, banking collapse, deregulation, anti-abortion, anti-gay, pro-religious zealots... the thought of it petrifies me. I find myself shaking in my boots when I hear people say they are conservative (I can't even discuss it, I get too flustered), because they are contributing to making my future highly unstable. The Liberals aren't perfect, but at least they won't break things.
ReplyDeleteAND and. If someone is voting conservative based on the whole gay issue alone, or abortion issue alone, I get seriously peeved. LOOK AT THE ECONOMICS! Conservatives will rape the middle-class, which most of us are. They will make us poor, make our houses worthless, make our savings worthless... *ack* I can't talk about it anymore.
ReplyDeleteAND! and. The left needs to get their shit together, because this 3 party crap is killing us. KILLING us. Literally. Just look at Afghanistan to see how the Cons decisions are killing us.
ReplyDeleteOMG Steph, I had no idea you were so passionate about this too. Mind if I poach some of your ideas for a new blog post? I want to formalize why the Conservatives should not be in power. For me, I've been thinking a lot about accountability and integrity. The influence peddling and scandale are huge. But the dangers of deregulation are equally important. Thanks for sharing your views! xx
ReplyDeleteLOL go for it, looking forward to reading it!
ReplyDeleteOh and you know what else really bothers me (LOL I really can't let this go!)? is when people say the Conservatives aren't that bad, they've done a "decent" job since they've been in office... do these people not realize that it's not been "that bad" because it's a MINORITY government?! The things they would do if it was a majority... ugh! well, the only good thing that would come from that is that people would hopefully not vote conservative again for a long long time.
ReplyDeleteSteph, check this out:http://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2011/03/28/HarperMajority/?utm_source=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=280311
ReplyDeletebloody scary!
UGH! ugh. How can anyone think this is OK?!
ReplyDeleteOh hey, and I forgot to mention the environmental impact of Harper winning! He's already cut most funding for green energy, it'll just go down from here.