Such a life changing book and as I re-read some of the notes I wrote 15 years ago I realize that I was too young to appreciate the significance of its teachings. I also see how far I have to go to becoming truly authentic. Aside from 'putting first things first' or 'seeking first to understand before wanting to be understood' -- the biggest challenge is
choosing integrity. Because with every choice I make in life, I should be asking myself "is this is where I want to get?" More often than not, the answer is no. I do not live by the values I uphold. And it's killing me.
Some notes on my Personal Mission Statement that I wrote in 1998:
I will honour all commitments.
I will keep promises to myself.
I will be trustworthy.
I will accept those moments of angst and cherish those opportunities to see myself honestly.
I will faithfully learn from my mistakes.
I will see the good in others and understand what motivates their behaviour.
I will be empathetic.
I will help others see the potential in themselves.
I will cease being the victim and realize that others have endured far worse.
I will believe that tomorrow will be a brighter day.