Transcendence is the goal here. Don't get sucked in. Let things pass, which is not the same as resisting. For example, I see someone looking super fit in their workout clothes and my inner voice starts up -- I wish I looked like that, WTF, why don't I look like that. I could look like that if I wasn't such a lazy, undisciplined git, oh fuck I'm pathetic for making so many excuses, etc., etc. I work myself up into this mad frenzy over something completely stupid. I've been sucked into my own melodrama. Just as the super fit person passes by, so too should my pangs of jealousy pass by. Let yourself feel the bad emotions, but let them quickly pass over you. Don't get sucked in.
This book talks about the 'seat of consciousness'. It's the place up high where you observe your life. I imagine it to look like at umpire's seat at a tennis match. As the observer you see life before you and you let yourself feel, but you stay separate from your feelings because YOU ARE NOT YOUR FEELINGS. Feelings, like experiences are just part of being human. I personally tend to make feelings more important than they are. I forget that they quickly pass. This books says that when you stay in your seat, you will feel energy come from behind you and flow through you. I must admit I'm finding this a bit hard to grasp. But it sounds wonderful -- the freedom of not being thought-obsessed or overcome by emotion. Inner peace!
Last point to note is the idea of inner disturbances. The book says that when we have something that bothers us, rather than remove it, we tend to work around it -- adjust our behaviour and circumstances to accommodate it rather than just remove it. For example, if we have a fear of rejection we might choose to always please others before ourselves, or we might stay closed or avoid relationships altogether. These inner disturbances are basically blocked energy from our past. They can and should be removed. If we don't release them, we will continue to focus on them because our consciousness tends to get drawn to the most distracting object. It's similar to bumping your toe or hearing a loud noise, it has your attention. And this is what happens when we get sucked in and fall from our seat. We're overcome with emotion and can't see the forest from the trees. Even worse, we start to act out (e.g. yell at someone else, take revenge, etc.) thereby affecting someone else's inner peace ... all because we haven't dealt with our issues. Sigh.
I think I might have to re-read some of these ideas or at least let them simmer more. Good stuff all around!
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