Sunday, July 15, 2018

Ways successful technical women increase their visibility

I recently attended a conference that had a stream dedicated to women in tech.  A lot of the advice was directed on women must do to advance their careers.  It was good advice, but does not address the underlying systemic issues that keep women down -- misogyny, rape culture.  I'd like to see the tech giants commit to changing their office culture - cultivate an environment that respects and even welcomes diversity.  Hiring more women is a start, but keeping them employed in IT is the bigger challenge.  I know personally that multiple maternity leaves cost me in terms of being able to keep my skills current.  And while it's on the individual to invest in themselves, its often cheaper and easier to shuttle an employee to a non-tech job then re-train.  The bro-culture itself was another reason I left IT.  In IM I work with an equal nbr of men and women and the balance is wonderful.

Enough said about that for now.  I'm jotting down my conference notes in case these prove to be valuable later on:

1. Work on projects with direct business impact
2. Take risks and "step outside of your comfort zone"
3. Choose or ask for assignment that allow you to demonstrate your technical abilibites
4. Seek mentors and Sponsors that have organizational clout
5. Develop a Strong Network and continually look for ways to diversify it
6. Look for internal and external opportunities to speak and present
7. Serve as an internal advocate and mentor for others -- both men and women
8. Know what you are good at and promote that about yourself
9. Try to work with and for managers who have a reputation for considering their employees' perspectives, needs, and talents in decision-making
10. Keep up with emergent trends and technologies so that you can take advantage of key opportunities when they arise.