Saturday, October 17, 2009

65 pairs of socks

WTF? How did I accumulate this? Stocking stuffers -- an easy filler for the mandatory stockings I make us do for each other at Christmas. Who wouldn't appreciate a new pair of comfy socks? But for some reason mine never wear out. Some of these socks date back to HS! I have about seven favourites -- the rest are saggy, too thick, itchy or the wrong colour (i.e. bought to match a particular outfit that is long gone). Some have specific uses -- golf, hiking skiing, skating. The sports are history but their socks remain.
I especially love the fuzzy slipper socks. Picture this : You've just come in from playing in the snow with the kids on a typical February afternoon and your feet are frozen solid. Useless 'Hot Chily' socks did nothing for you. Hot chocolate, you say? No thanks, just let me run upstairs, rummage through my sock drawer and pull out these blasted made-for-the-occasion chenille socks.

Alright, enough whinging about the socks. What do to? Can't just re-organize the drawer. Must purge some.

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